1 Revelation that I, Prophet Kacou Philippe, slave of Jesus Christ, I gave to the Saints on this December 24, 2023, as ordinances for a good spiritual disposition.
2 First of all, regarding the moments of personal prayers, at the beginning of the prayer you can sing a song of meditation, then you pray, and if possible, another song to close. Couples can pray together if they wish.
3 There is no compulsory prayer time. If you have no inspiration, don't force yourself. Only inspired prayers go up to God. An inspired prayer is without effort, and you don't feel like stopping it. It's like a fast inspired by God. And under inspiration, it can happen that someone continues to pray even if the congregation stops praying or singing.
4 Then, regarding songs, it is good that collective songs close with songs of meditation or adoration. And at the service, the second part of the praise songs, after the individual song of the Sister, can be made up of songs of meditation. But both parts can be made up of songs of meditation or adoration.
5 And for the sake of holiness, it is a divine right for a married person to abstain from sex. And anyone who tells a spouse who is seeking holiness to give in to the sexual desires of the other spouse is a demon. Choose holiness. And if your partner cheats on you because of that, don't say anything and don't take revenge.
6 Concerning consecration, after a 40-day fast, you can continue to eat one meal a day as you did when you were fasting and eat the rest of the day with moderation. Food during consecration and the breaking of the fast must be simple, like the food of a poor person.
7 And at the table, you must not say, "Serve me a bit of everything". For the rest of the day, as you wish, you can drink water or eat some fruits or a light food without making yourself full. It's as if you were fasting. And you can stay in this disposition for as long as you want. Even at work or in school, you can live in consecration if you want to.
8 Consecration is the life of the prophets, but it does not mean that they are fasting all the time.
9 According to Kacou 159:104, a pastor had told a Brother to go and lead the public confession. The Brother went to lead. But in the pulpit, the Brother had begun to speak nonsense words as if he was going mad. Then he collapsed behind the pulpit. And overcome with fear, no one wanted to go to the pulpit and the congregation stopped the service. The will to lead or to go to the pulpit must come from the person himself.
10 Also, due to the lack of a good leader, the devil takes advantage of it to make the public confession last long and tire the people. Some people ask for the floor up to three times to complete their confessions. This is not good. One confesses what is already in his heart when coming to the service and not what others confess. The time according to Kacou 71:37 must be respected. And it is forbidden for an assembly of 25 members to have a service delayed for lack of a prayer leader. And if this happens again in less than seven months, the pastor must step down from his office.
11 Well. Let's consider Daniel 8. I will talk about the ram and the goat. Prophet Daniel had seen two animals by the river Ulai. First, a ram before the river, pushing towards the four corners of the earth. And no one could stand before the ram. It is the empire of Protestantism coming from Europe through the Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist churches, and others.
12 Then a he-goat came from the West, that is to say from the United States of America. The goat is the empire of the evangelical churches. And the he-goat smote the ram, and the four horns of the he-goat spread out towards the four corners of the earth. And Daniel was told that this vision was for the time of the end. And that a people will come to put an end to the reign of this he-goat and purify the holy place.
13 For the time being, the ram and the goat are preventing services in several countries, but rest assured, nothing will stop us. We will get through this stage. Keep up the 30 minutes of prayer for as long as you can. The false manifestations that you see will pass and the true thing will come with the Lamb. We just need to conform our lives to the Word through the revelation.
14 These spirits of divination that we reject here, are what evangelicals seek because they do not walk by revelation. And all their spiritual manifestations are dramas of Satan. All the evangelicals that you see are possessed by all sorts of demons. They have night defilements. And when they wake up with defilements, they tell ridiculous lies saying that they were attacked by water mermaid. Water mermaid doesn't exist.
15 What happened in Daniel 8? The earth was waiting for a lamb. And behold, an animal came, and instead of a lamb, it was a ram. The Lord was not in the ram. Then another animal came, and behold, it was a he-goat. The Lord was not in the he-goat. After that, the lamb came in Daniel 10:4 to 11 by the river Hiddekel. It happened with Prophet Elijah in 1 Kings 19. And every time, these winds of anointing carry some people away. But we cannot be carried away because it is the Lamb that we are waiting for.
16 And on Sunday December 3, 2023, I had received several videos of manifestations of the goat and the ram in the Message. In the Guaxupé assembly in Brazil, a white Sister was agitated and had prophesied, especially about the pastor.
17 A Sister at the Matendé assembly in Congo-Brazzaville had manifested the gift of words of knowledge on several occasions according to Kacou 158:74. And it happened that she would say to the assembly, "If anyone thinks that I have said something that is not accurate, let him raise his hand!" But nobody raised his hand.
18 And at the Chikweo assembly in Malawi, the 30 minutes of prayer were quiet for minutes. Then a Sister by the name of Dayina Wisikesi who was on her knees in prayer and who had never manifested any spiritual gift in her life stood up and began to give prophecies and words of knowledge about Brothers and Sisters, supported by visions.
19 She said to a Brother, "You, you’ve committed a sex sin, but you are afraid to confess it because of the sanctions". To a pastor who came to confess and then go to lead his assembly, she said, "You, you’re a pastor, you are helping a widow with bad intentions. Repent!" The pastor immediately admits and asks for forgiveness. She says to a Brother, "You, you’re married, and you have committed adultery. Confess and repent!"
20 She says to another Brother, "You, you live in masturbation!" The Brother, surprised, hesitates and says, "It's true". She says to a Sister sitting at the back of the room, "You, you’ve committed adultery". The Sister said, "No, that's not true!" Sister Dayina begins to give her the details. She acknowledges and says, "It's true, but it was last year". She says to another Brother, "You, you do business. You do this and that to your customers, it's not right. And you haven't paid back this customer's money". The Brother says, "It's true".
21 She turns to another sister and says to her, "You, you're an envious woman! You give bad advice to your children. Repent!" The sister says, "Alright, it’s understood". Then she says, "Such a Brother who is absent and who sits here is hiding a sin of adultery". The Brother, contacted after the service, acknowledges. She turns to such and such and prophesies. And at the end, when the anointing leaves her, she says, "Ask Brother Philippe if the spirit that is using me is really the Holy Spirit. I want to be saved".
22 Each of the nine spiritual gifts has a diversity of operations. For example, someone who is to prophesy can hear audible words and repeat them, or the Holy Spirit takes control of his mouth and speaks. And then he can hear himself speak and keep in mind what he says or not hear himself.
23 Sister Dayina is among those whom I have asked not to manifest their spiritual gifts for the time being. They must be in consecration and seek to understand their dreams and visions.
24 Now is a time of consecration and meditation to understand dreams and visions about what they must do. For example, in the revival, they must not set up some kind of prayer camp where people must come to stay and wait for healing and then go back to their churches, their religions or their bad lives. What you have never seen me do, don’t do it.
25 Also, among Sister Dayina's revelations, she had said to a Brother: "You, you’re married, and you have committed adultery, but you are afraid to confess it". And from during the service up to their home, the Brother was not saying anything, but it was his wife who was agitated against him.
26 It is forbidden for anyone to go against his wife or husband who has been unveiled by a spiritual gift. There must be no arguments because of an action of the Holy Spirit. We all share your pain. And if your anger doesn't go away, that means that you would have wanted your spouse to die with his hidden sin and go to hell. I say this for any other form of sin unveiled by a spiritual gift.
27 Also, when a prophecy unveils your sin or bad life, you must confess at the next service. But if you had argued or denied until the end of the service where the manifestation took place, you can confess it at another service, but the congregation is not capable of praying for you.
28 On that same Sunday, December 3, 2023 in Congo-Kinshasa, a Sister who was refusing to acknowledge that the spirit that was using her was the devil had pushed the pulpit down and climbed on it to prophesy. Among her prophecies, she had said that Kacou 9 should be removed from the Message.
29 And still under the anointing, in the middle of the service, she had beaten up a Brother who had called her holy spirit a demon. There was no deacon. If there is no deacon or not enough deacons in an assembly, the pastor must play the role of deacon if need be.
30 If someone under the anointing is called a demon, if he becomes angry or aggressive, then his holy spirit is a demon. Also, I know that many of you are completely unfamiliar with spiritual manifestations. It's a new world for you but act with discernment. When a spirit does not seem to be the true Holy Spirit, do not obey it. For example, if it starts singing a song, don't sing.
31 Know that all the religious people that you see are in the prisons of the goat. Unfortunately, they take the actions of the goat for the actions of the true Holy Spirit. For them, everything that is manifested in a church comes from God. That's how they took the Toronto revival and the movements of vomiting and holy laughter and other satanic things for revivals from God.
32 That is why, do not go faster than the Angel. In the history of the Church, there were many revivals without Message. And many great religious men, without revelation, had been carried away by those false revivals. But you, stay in the line! Don't say: "The spirit that works on a such and such is the Holy Spirit! All his revelations are true! Why does the prophet say that it's the devil"? Know that a telephone has the same effect in the hands of its owner as in the hands of the thief.
33 If you go ahead of me, you will be like Evan Roberts acting in the Welsh revival and you will have many people with you, but your end will be hell. When Evan Roberts persisted and went out of the line, Satan began to give him revelations that comforted him and reassured him in his error until he got lost. Know that the dreams and visions of the perfect will and the dreams and visions in error do not have the same source of inspiration.
34 In a revival, the fact of filling the church, changing life and walking according to God's will are three different things. People limit themselves to the first two, but if I move slowly, at the pace of the revelation, it's because of that. The conditions for an authentic and lasting revival must be met with our maturity and then the Holy Spirit will come down.
35 I ask you to pray a lot for those who have spiritual gifts. I am not talking about those who take their divination for the true Holy Spirit or who seek to impose themselves at all costs. Some are sitting on some dreams that they don't understand. The kind of vehicle that symbolizes a ministry based on dreams is a scooter. And a pastor cannot take his church-wife on his scooter. A scooter can only carry its driver.
36 The humble, who fear God, it is for them that I ask to pray because we want a pure and lasting revival. And in the history of the Church, there were revivals that lasted three years, other revivals lasted six years. And the Azusa Street revival had lasted three years. We want successive revivals until the coming of the Lord. And the revival and spiritual gifts also concern all our children, even pupils.
37 And our present prayer must not be: "Lord, give us spiritual gifts". No! Our prayer should rather be: "Lord, give us discernment and maturity for a lasting revival".
38 Before God came down on Mount Sinai, Israel was mature and able to go forward without Moses. In Exodus 19, Moses had said to them, "Now come near the mountain". And they replied to Moses saying, "No, yesterday you told us not to come near the mountain". And today it's the same as saying, "No, last night we had dreams that we must not go near the mountain".
39 And to test the Brothers, on December 7, 2023, with my agreement, Brother Yanick had asked all those who had done a 40-day fast in 2023 to put their testimonies of fasting in their groups of language. And after putting their testimonies in the groups, I had asked several of them to send me the dreams they had had the day before. And all their dreams showed that they should not put their testimonies in the groups.
40 For example, an apostle told me, "The night before the testimonies in the group, I had dreamt that a Brother was accusing me of being the cause of his night defilements with my preachings. Then the picture changed, and behold, I was with a young girl on the balcony of a building in front of a football stadium. The night was about to fall. And I was about to practice some sexual fondling on her in front of the people in and around the stadium and I woke up".
41 As an interpretation, the stadium is the group of language. The girl on the balcony of the building is the fasting Church. The players are those who comment, and the spectators are those who read the comments. The fondling is the act of commenting. And these advice, orientations and comments in the groups and assemblies bring darkness and night defilements as their preachings without revelation did. And the goat and the ram will act in the Message because of this.
42 And his wife, who had also written her testimony in the group, said to me, "Brother Philippe, may God forgive me for what I am about to say. I had a dream, a quick scene like some fondling between the apostle and me". And another apostle told me the same dream. He was also in a stadium. You see? Another Sister said, "Brother Philippe, I am already married but the day before the testimonies, I dreamt that there was a big crowd and I was signing the register of a new marriage with another Brother and I woke up".
43 But many had not commented. Among them, one Brother said, "Brother Philippe, I had written my testimony but at the time of putting it in the group, I felt hindered from doing so". This can be the action of the Holy Spirit towards those who have not had a dream. And some, better disposed, obeyed this hindrance while others did not obey.
44 And a Brother who had not commented said to me, "Brother Philippe, the day before the testimonies, I dreamt that we were in a line to donate our blood to help people in difficulty. The night was about to fall. I saw the blood donation was illegal and I left the line, and I woke up. That's why I had not commented."
45 You see? That's how you act. In some assemblies, many have dreams which show that such or such manifestation comes from the devil, but they ignore those dreams and say to themselves that it is the prophet alone who must say whether the manifestation comes from God or the devil. This is a satanic thought that you must abandon.
46 Know that during a revival, in a single Sunday, there can be 20 manifestations in an assembly. And if there are 50 assemblies in a country, that will be 1,000 manifestations. And therefore, for ten countries, there will be 10,000 manifestations. How can one man judge 10,000 manifestations in a single day? As of today, seek to understand the language of dreams and visions.
47 Let us be aware that if God has given us eyes for our bodies, God has also given us dreams and visions for our souls. We need revelation in all areas of life. The Lord Jesus said: "Verily, Verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing of himself save whatever he sees the Father do first."
48 And the revelation being progressive, if the Lord Jesus Christ and his disciples were on earth today, not He Alone but each disciple would have to do as he saw the Father do first. And that is what God is calling us to today. When there is a problem in your midst, any leader who loves you will pray and give you the direction to follow according to the revelation he has received from God.
49 This leader can also write in your group saying, "Brothers and Sisters, here is a problem. Let's pray and tomorrow we will come back and say what direction God will give us". And the next day, two to seven people will speak in the group according to their revelations and the people will be enlightened. He who will speak but have a bad position will confess. And if he repeats it in less than three months, he must not intervene again in similar cases for twelve months. In any discussion, anyone who disturbs or persists without revelation must receive a sanction outside.
50 A leader who starts asking Brothers in other countries what you need to do is an imam. Put him aside. In the same way, if he comes to tempt you by explaining an important problem in your group so that he who wishes, can intervene without revelation, according to the old system; put him aside. As soon as your leader talks about voting or emoticons, or doesn't have mastery of revelations, put him aside. He needs to go and learn and come back later.
51 Even new converts understand their dreams. There is a new Brother from the Reunion Island who was looking for videos of an apostle on the internet. And he had a dream in which this apostle was preaching to him in person and in the dream, he said to the apostle, "No, I want to stay with the Message and the Bible alone". And when he woke up, he understood that he had to listen to the Message Alone.
52 If a new Brother who was baptized less than a month ago understood his dream, you a preacher have no excuse before God. It is only through revelation that we can be in the will of God. And this applies both to our spiritual life and our natural life.
53 At a time when the internet has flooded the earth, revelation must show its superiority over the internet in every area of life. I that speak to you, out of my four older brothers, children of my mother, only one is left because of high blood pressure. But why, at over 50, am I not being treated, and will I not be treated for high blood pressure or any other disease? It's because of revelation.
54 And when the revelation tells me, "Eat millet and such food and fruits but do not eat too much pineapple, ripe bananas, and pawpaw", I'm astonished. That doesn't exist anywhere on the internet. Whether it is high blood pressure, cancer, prostate, diabetes, or any other illness that resists medicine, I will have the same testimony. Revelation is the infallible solution to the problems of mankind.
55 Through water baptism and the public confession, God has granted us the grace of dreams from Him. And with our search for holiness in this dimension of the revelation, our Holy Spirit and our spiritual gifts will come from Him. The nature of the Holy Spirit is according to what a man believes.
56 And through dreams, even the foolish virgins and the mixed multitude know that the imams in their dreams are their pastors and preachers who refuse to enter with them into the dimension of the revelation. And therefore, all those among us who are not in the dimension of the revelation are Muslims or Catholics. Their Prophet Branham or Mahomet has been dead since Kacou 154 when he went up on the mountain.
57 The old system is like the Old Testament or Judaism. And the dimension of the revelation in which we are is like the New Testament or Christianity. And in the present stage of the revelation, votes, emoticons, or casting of lots are ablutions of Wahhabi or Salafi Muslims. If you don't have a revelation, don't say anything, and don't put emoticons.
58 And a Brother or a Sister who has more than seven months in the Message and who asks what decision he must make about such a thing or about a hospital decision, it's not normal. Why will a Brother or a Sister ask you what he can ask himself from God directly? At the present stage, when you have to make a big decision, you must pray to know what decision to make.
59 And anyone who guides someone without a revelation or who seeks the revelation in the place of a Brother or a Sister, commits a sin. When some Brothers and Sisters come to you to consult God, you can become a medium. And know that all those who come to consult you lay their shoes, which are their zeal for the revelation, at your feet. And you will give an account to God for that.
60 From now on, before exercising an office in an assembly, you need a badge. The badge here is the symbol of the mandate that the Holy Spirit gives to someone by a prophecy with confirmation to exercise an office. And when you have an office in the assembly, pray and analyze your revelations in relation to that office.
61 Before you stopped preaching according to Kacou 159, God presented the assemblies of the Message as dilapidated hotels. And each assembly was sometimes a young prostitute, sometimes a hotel room in which a young prostitute received her clients. And she was the one who paid her clients who defiled her.
62 And after Kacou 159, God presented the foolish virgins and the mixed multitude as the same young prostitute complaining that despite her efforts to make herself attractive, no client wanted to prostitute himself with her by preaching without revelation.
63 How would you know these things without the revelation? Is it possible to follow God without revelation? If you ignore dreams and visions, how will you know that the assembly that you attend is not a hotel or a bad place? How will you know your faults so that you can correct them? How will you know that a fat or muscular person symbolizes a person who walks without revelation and that your father symbolizes the prophet? How will you know that the state of your hair expresses what is in your brain?
64 God endowed man with dreams and visions, in his own image and likeness. God created man with dreams and visions so that man can permanently see the spiritual world, day and night. God put the ability to see visions in broad daylight on every man when He created man. But it was the sin in Eden that placed dreams above visions.
65 And at times in human history, it was through this capacity of dreams and visions that the prophets led their people to God. The Bible and the Torah bear witness to that. And by honesty, any religious leader should make men aware of the importance of dreams and visions. But on the contrary, they have deprived man of them, just as Catholicism once deprived mankind of the Bible.
66 When I had seen some of your manifestations, they were so wonderful that I had some battles of the mind, thinking that those manifestations were from God. And what did I do? I prayed and it was through revelation that I knew that the gifts were authentic, but the spirits behind them were the devil. That's why, little by little, get in step with the revelation.
67 You say, "O I have not yet found the interpretation of a dream that I saw, and I see other dreams". Alright, but when you were in school, you used to copy lessons. And you didn't finish studying them and you copied some more. Don’t worry! As you correct the faults for which you see the dreams, the dreams will disappear.
68 Also, in a short time, the Holy Spirit could literally interpret dreams and visions by prophecy before you. These gifts are already at work among us, and a Sister of Gabon is a great example.
69 Concerning notepads or revelation registers, it is a space created in an application on your phone. And either you are alone in this space if it is your personal register, or you are with the others who keep the register if it is the assembly's register.
70 Pastors and preachers can be there. And a Brother or a Sister who so wishes should be able to consult it for one to three days. The register can receive texts and audio with details, especially for speaking in tongues and prophecies. All this is part of the conditions for a revival.
71 Well. In 2022, in a dream, a Sister saw a man sitting on a ram in the sky, and the ram was rushing down towards the earth. And four lines of scripture in an unknown tongue passed. And the first line ended with 2021. The second line ended with 2022. The third line ended with 2023. And the fourth line ended with 2024.
72 And according to the instruction that I received from the Angel on December 2, 2023, the coming down of the Holy Spirit and the manifestation of the spiritual gifts will not be before the end of this year 2023 and the beginning of the year 2024.
73 Nevertheless, continue with the 30 minutes of prayer. And wherever the ram or the goat acts, the assemblies must hold meetings in peace to look for the causes and find solutions until calm is restored in your assemblies. When Sister Amina acts by the ram in the Ituri province in Congo-Kinshasa, the cause does not necessarily come from her. The cause can come from the pastor or the assembly.
74 And as a prevention, these meetings can also be held where the ram or the goat is not acting. This is important. In the meetings, such and such a person will take the floor and speak to say the cause or the solution according to the revelation he has received in relation to the manifestations of the ram or the goat elsewhere in the Message.
75 The ram or the goat can act if the songs of meditation or adoration take place in the atmosphere of an evangelical or pagan adoration; that is an invitation you are extending to the goat. If you keep some sermons of the priesthood which are not inspired by the Holy Spirit in your phones, then you are inviting the ram or the goat to act in the Message.
76 The ram or the goat can act if your love for your spouse or for your children is greater than your love for God. And what you give to your daughter who does not believe in the Message, you must not refuse it to a poor young Sister who sincerely believes and lives the Message like you.
77 The ram or the goat can act if a Brother or a Sister has a feeling of contempt or superiority towards other people or towards an assembly, a family, a people, or another country.
78 A pastor or a preacher who has a salary is a telephone booth manager who is inviting the ram or the goat to act in the Message. Leave the money with the steward and ask according to your needs.
79 Tithes and offerings are God's money. And stewards must manage this money with righteousness, by revelation, so that the ram stays away from you. God’s money must be for the work of God and must not serve to fund carnal things.
80 In 2002, I was married and had rent arrears to pay. I had no food and no believer. But despite that, I had decided to give all my time to God. I didn't divide my time between God and Caesar or between God and a personal job. So, all your excuses will not stand before God at the last judgement. God is not responsible for the big number of our children, and God has not imposed a high standard of living on us.
81 If then, the Holy Spirit chooses you now, give yourself completely to Him. If someone is not consecrated to the work of God, it can happen that by prophecy, he be a preacher, but he must not reach out to stewards. If you are a contractor paid by God, to which paradise will you go? Do not invite the goat and the ram into the Message!
82 A Brother or a Sister who has financial or material means and who does not support the work of God is a selfish person or a robber of common properties although what he possesses is his personal property. He can thus invite the goat and the ram into the Message.
83 But also, if someone's dream tells you to make a donation to God, it is your right to pray also to see a dream confirming his dream before you act. For, by wanting to do God's will without revelation, you can place your possessions in the hands of thieves in sheep's clothing.
84 Every servant of God must avoid serving God for a salary. A slave has no salary, and a son does not serve his father for a salary. For the needs at Katadji, depending on what is already there, the Sisters assess what is lacking or what is needed. And that's what they receive in kind and in money. Sometimes more, sometimes less. The stewards must bring every impious priest back to the Word.
85 Stewards must act with discernment and revelation. And what the revelation tells them is what they must do so that the ram and the goat may not act. And this applies to every office in the Message, so that the assemblies may not become telephone-booth churches to attract the goat and the ram.
86 A telephone-booth church is also a place where dishonest people go to get into debt or abuse the generosity of the manager or some customers. If your pastors manage your assemblies like their businesses or telephone booths, the goat and the ram will never leave you.
87 Now, what should you do if you have too much money in your coffers? Pray and God will guide you. There are brave Brothers like Pedro Aleixo, Joël Kashala, Blanchard Mosili and Joël Bazilepo in your countries or in other countries who work tirelessly in the fields of evangelism.
88 When the second evangelization begins, the money will go to prophets and apostles and teachers and evangelists and their committees of evangelism. Even if you have no spiritual gifts, you must still walk by revelation. Also, Brothers and Sisters who have committees must see that there be no false Brothers around them or on their committees of evangelism.
89 Also, don’t think you have to be 50 or 100 people before the Holy Spirit can come down on you. A great spiritual gift can come out of five people. The Azusa Street revival started with William Seymour and a few people in a living room. The Holy Spirit had begun to come down there before they moved to the Azusa Street building.
90 And you who will have spiritual gifts, be restless in the search for holiness so that your gifts may be sharpened. Do not have pagan friends or talk with pagans. Avoid places where you will see sin and badly dressed women.
91 It’s necessarily by revelation that a committee must be formed. The members must be blameless and consecrated. Most must have spiritual gifts. And in the exercise of your ministry, you must not act in haste.
92 And if it’s a prophetess, her husband must know that from now on God is between him and his wife. And he must help his wife and not seek to defile her with sex and arguments. They both need to walk by revelation to know their limits.
93 Know that a revival can come, and the counterfeits will take it over and divert it from its starting line. And a whole assembly will be in a trance with behaviours and noises and animal cries; the Holy Spirit does not do that.
94 Any spirit that agitates violently is an evil spirit. The model of our time is Azusa Street as described in Kacou 153:64 to 66 and not an emotional disorder. And they are dreams and visions that will unveil Satan's actions.
95 In an authentic revival, spiritual gifts are precise, and sanctification becomes an instantaneous experience, producing conversions that stand the test of time. And then God will use our small assemblies to do His will. This is why we must not deviate from the line of the prophets and Apostles as described in the Bible and in the history of the Church.
96 But if we are rebellious, we will receive the ram and the goat instead of the Lamb. And we will have a revival in which all counterfeits will be allowed. And we won't know whether the manifestation we see is from emotion, imitation, the devil, or God. And that will be the victory of Satan.
97 This is why we must overcome all the temptations and tricks of Satan and strictly follow every word of the Message. For example, I that speak to you, when someone speaks to me or sends me an audio or a text, as soon as I hear or see: "On my knees, I ask you for forgiveness...", I immediately stop listening or reading. And I don't answer. This is forbidden in Kacou 159:95 and the person who says it wants to make you sin.
98 And now I have deleted all my Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube accounts and others. And I am no longer on a social network. My spiritual rank doesn't allow me to have them any more. The Lord Jesus wouldn't have had Facebook if He were on earth. And I am going to further reduce the use of the phone.
99 And we ask God and mankind for forgiveness for all our abusive and hurtful words and all our words of contempt and arrogance on the internet.
100 And I have decided that my audio sermons will only be placed in the background in all languages, including French, so that all the peoples of the world may have the same privileges and favours.
101 The audio is the original and my voice is the signature. Since Moses, the prophets said, like John on the Isle of Patmos, that no one had the right to add to what they had written. But today, with the recording, the audio is the original and my voice is my signature on everything I have said.
102 The pagans seeing the Brothers and Sisters withdrawing from social networks cannot understand what is happening. It is like the waters of the Indian Ocean withdrawing from the beaches of South Asia on December 26, 2004.
103 It must be a clean-up on the internet, but also in our phones, computers, USB sticks, hard drives, and other storage spaces. You need to put order in your house, your luggage, and your physical and virtual documents. You must put order in your physical and virtual friends, and even the behaviour of those who are in your home or under your guardianship. Those are supports for the ram and the goat.
104 This is a washing of our lives to receive the Holy Spirit. Holiness is possible in this dirty and rotten, sinful world. Let us sweep and cleanse our lives to receive the One before whom the holy angels hide their faces and shout night and day: "Holy! Holy! Holy! is the Lord".
105 And the reception of the Holy Spirit is conditioned. First the Word of the hour, then water baptism, then sanctification and finally the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus Christ is the living Word. Then John the Baptist baptizes Him with water. And then the dove, which is the Holy Spirit, comes down on Him.
106 Repentance consists in accepting the Message of God for one’s time and walking according to this Message for holiness. And it is in this fear and sanctification that we are awaiting the revival.
107 It is with fear and trembling that we are awaiting this revival of the ten virgins. It is God who knows the spiritual gifts we need. It is He who knows when and for what purpose He will give them to us. Let us not grow weary and let’s not murmur like the Jews in the desert.
108 I expect more than a hundred prophets and prophetesses with powerful gifts of revelation and power to preach the Gospel of the revival of the ten virgins. All those who have the will and believe like Joshua and Caleb will see the glory of God.
109 And according to some revelations, there will be prophetic acts in this revival. Enemies and mockers will fall violently before us by the power of the Holy Spirit, without anyone touching them. Others in their fall will fall on their faces like Dagon facing the Ark of Jehovah in 1 Samuel 5.
110 God will turn streets into assemblies and great crowds will gather to hear the wonders of God. Right in the middle of the street, people will hear: "You here, your name is such and such! You have such a disease; today God heals you, receive your healing! You there, you have committed such and such sins; God is telling you today to leave this bad life and follow Him". The world will see or hear the wonders of God, and many will be saved.
111 And when these things happen, you the Brothers and Sisters, don't talk. For example, when you see a miracle, don't start talking to people. The Holy Spirit who worked the miracle will, Himself, touch hearts. And when people will ask what they must do to be saved, direct them towards the Message and keep quiet immediately.
112 Soon the chapters of the midnight Cry will be the accounts of the testimonies of God's wonders on earth in our time. And today, December 24, 2023, I am addressing those who will oppose these manifestations of God in any way whatsoever. Whether you are a simple person, a religious person, a policeman, a man of court or other, whatever your authority, you must stand aside from this action of God if you cannot accept it.
113 The earth being God's creation, this revival must not be fought against by any human, any state, any jurisdiction to please people determined to never leave their dirty lives. In the streets, some will wish to see a disciple of Kacou Philippe while others, because of their bad lives, will not wish to find them in their paths.
114 And you who believe in me, just be patient as God Himself is patient. We will go on to the revival of the ten virgins. The doors of our assemblies will be like scanners. As soon as someone walks through the door, his life will be revealed. Spiritual gifts will watch over the public confession.
115 In a short time, great spiritual gifts will come out of where we did not expect them. According to some revelations, during the revival, it will happen that even in the streets and in public places, spiritual gifts will work by the Holy Spirit and lives will be revealed and people will be healed.
116 You who have these spiritual gifts, men or women, carry out your mission well and without fear. For twenty years I preached judgment in the streets and in assemblies without fear. You too have preached judgment in the streets and in assemblies without fear. It is in this same spirit, without fear, that you must manifest your spiritual gifts. Wherever God sends you to pray or prophesy, do not be afraid. The Angel and the Lamb, the Almighty God will be with you.
117 What the Holy Spirit will tell you to say, at the service or out of the service, wherever it may be, say it without fear. At the service, at home, in the streets, at work, in school and in every place, the Holy Spirit will act. And through these wonders, the sons of God will be converted while the sons of the devil will fight against it. And social networks and the media and people will talk about it.
118 And what will happen when, led by the Holy Spirit, a Brother or a Sister will enter a church and begin to prophesy and give words of knowledge about the church members? What will the members of this church do? If it is for God that they are gathered, after the manifestation they will stand up and glorify God for coming to them. And the revival will begin in that church. According to some revelations, we will preach where the midnight Cry was once demonized.