Kacou 127 : Kacou Philippe, prisoner of Christ

Letter that Prophet Kacou Philippe wrote from his prison cell on August 16, 2016 to all those who believe in him around the world.

1 Letter that I, Prophet Kacou Philippe wrote from my prison cell on August 16, 2016, to all those who believe in me around the whole world.

2 My file is at the Court of Appeal of Abidjan. And the first trial before the court of appeal took place on August 10 and was postponed. The churches want me dead but today, I am free. I will soon walk out of here but I must pay a fine of 700 dollars to the state and for five years, I am deprived of every civic right. Especially, I must not speak about God otherwise I will return to prison.

3 Oh God, when, on the earth, will I be free? When won’t I have handcuffs around my wrists anymore? No more barbed wires around me, no more prison cells, no more sirens and prison bars, no more basement. When won’t there be any prison rice, prison plates anymore?  

4 When won’t there be any armed jailers around me anymore and will I no longer be carried from place to place with handcuffs? When will they never again tell me, "Go into your cell" and will they no longer lock me up like an animal, with a big padlock?

5 The court decided that I should be sentenced with a prohibition to preach the Gospel. Now I am free, I will be out but for five years, I will not have the right to speak about God under penalty of returning to prison. What if I receive a vision from God, will I go to jail? Will I go to jail if God speaks to me? The prophets have so suffered!

6 I am in prison but I remain true to myself and I will always be so because it is my blood which is thus and prison cannot change me. Why should I not say that I am the only true prophet of God on the earth while it is what I am?

7 For the rest, for all those who persecuted me and who are still persecuting me, the Almighty God who has sent me will know how to render to each according to his salary: the partisans of the plot of Sandra Peniel, those who wished me to be killed at home in some semblance of scene of robbery and those who wanted me in prison or in exile and all the rest, God will render to each according to his salary.

8 I suffered because of the Word of God since my arrest on Friday, May 13, 2016 according as it is written that you shall be hated and you shall be persecuted and they shall drag you before the tribunals thinking that they are worshipping God.

9 For the first time in my life, I appeared before a court. On Friday, June 3, 2016, I was before the High Court of Abidjan. It was the first time and it was for my own trial. When I was interrogated in the different divisions of the police, I did not know that my statements would go before a tribunal for my sentencing. I did not know anything about these things.

10 And the day of my trial before the High Court, I did not know who the judge was, who the lawyer was, who the clerk was, and who the prosecutor was … I did not know how to call them. But for Jezebel and the churches, there were the prosecutors and their lawyers. And they were all railing at me. I was weak in my body. I had been sick for two days and from the morning of the day of the trial till 3 pm, I was locked up in a cell where curious people would come and look at me like an animal in a cage.

11 And during the trial, the Catholic prosecutor Yéo Abel told me not to refer to the Bible because we were not in a church but in court. And yet I am a man of God. Every time, the prosecutor would ask me to answer by yes or no and yet it was not possible. I barely had the floor and when I was asked a question, I could hardly make two sentences because they would interrupt me.

12 Before my trial, the police of the court ordered that all mobile phones be turned off. Even the journalists were not allowed to record or film or take photographs. And all that at the instigation of Jezebel.

13 This was a religious matter and I did not accept that a lawyer defends me for a purely religious matter. Some lawyers volunteered, even an hour before the beginning of the trial. But I had said to my disciples that the Lord Jesus Christ was our lawyer. And also for the sake of history, I’d prefer to have twenty years of imprisonment rather than be free thanks to a lawyer. Because it is God Himself who is writing the history of the Church since 1993.

14 And at the end of the trial, the prosecutor requested ten years of imprisonment against me. Why? Because I said that I am the only true prophet of God on the earth by a divine mandate. And the prosecutor requested that to be written in the court register that I declared before the court that I am the only true prophet of God on the earth by a divine mandate on a precise date. And that was written in the court register by the clerk before the whole audience so that John 19 verse 19 to 21 may be fulfilled.

15 A secular country judging and condemning a prophet of God. How can somebody be sentenced to ten years in prison because he says he is the only true Prophet of God on the earth? 

16 And you Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals and Branhamists, if you are really Christians, how can you therefore appeal to a pagan court with money to put a prophet in prison because of what he preaches? Is that written in the Bible? Is it what 1 Corinthians 6:1 to 4 asks you to do? One day, you will account for that before God. But as for me, I commit everything into the hands of Him that has sent me on April 24, 1993. Because, had it not been some April 24, 1993, there would have never been that trial. It is the God who has sent me that you are judging and condemning. And it is before Him that this trial will finish one day.

17 All those who gave money and all those who follow those who gave money, and all those who received money and all those who knew about it and said nothing and all those who are innocent, it is before the Almighty God who has sent me that they will give an account. And He shall give everyone his reward and his retribution.

18 You were not there in the time of the Lord Jesus Christ and the prophets of the Bible but you were there in the time of Prophet Kacou Philippe that the Almighty God has sent to you since April 24, 1993. History is repeating itself. It is a Sanhedrim of pastors of different churches which dragged me to the police and before the tribunals with money. And I have been told that, in Yopougon, an evangelical church made contributions for my imprisonment. And the day of the trial, even before I was judged, some evangelical leaders conceded to a journalist that I would be condemned to ten years in prison. And a Muslim woman declared to have seen Jezebel in one prosecutor’s office with some money in a khaki envelope.

19 And I thank God for since Friday, May 13, everywhere I went, I kept my position according to the vision of April 24, 1993. In every report, I affirmed that I am the only one, I am the only true prophet of God on the earth and the Muslim, Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist leaders are the incarnation of the devil.

20 And I thank God because despite being locked up, I did not accept to be registered with Muslim and Christian leaders. I did not accept that and I will never accept that. I spent five days and five nights sitting on a chair but I refused to put my fingermark where Muslim and Christian leaders put their fingermarks. I did not do that and I will never do that. And one day, I will be happy before God for not having done that.

21 How can some pastors of different churches drag a prophet to the police and before the tribunals because of his Message? Has God become Satan and now it is Abel who is in the clothing of a pagan prosecutor to kill Cain? And the whole world is so blind as to not see Salvation so close to them.

22 If the churches think that I am wrong or I disturb them, I invite them to a great public confrontation before the media. Not in a pagan court because it does not belong to homosexuals and whisky drinkers to say who is a true or a false prophet.

23 And you the woman Jezebel in menses, you who call yourself a prophetess, your name will no longer be Jeanne but Jezebel. And you will be a source of curse to your seed except by my word. Your name will be Jezebel Monney and you will be a source of curse.

24 Now who is Jezebel and where does Jezebel, this priestess of Baal come from? A foreigner. Jezebel was a foreigner. She came from another country; she made donations in the hospitals and so forth and gained the heart of Israel. She was the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians, she was a foreigner persecuting Elijah and all Israel and all the priests agreed with her because it is Elijah who was persecuted.

25 And on this side, the same Jezebel, a foreigner persecuting Prophet Kacou Philippe and the whole Ivory Coast agrees with her because it is about Kacou Philippe. A foreigner acting on behalf of the priests of a country which is not her country. Only a bad blood could do that. The blood of Samory Touré could do that.

26 Now look at the perfect type of the Bible, this is not a coincidence. It is the perfect type of the Bible. Amen! Tyre and Zidon were in the southwest of Israel near Egypt. And Ethbaal, king of Zidon had spread the worship of Baal by force up to Israel. Just as Samory Touré did with Islam.

27 There, in the Bible, a daughter of Ethbaal came to persecute Elijah in Israel and here, a foreigner, a descendant of Samory Touré came in Ivory Coast by the marriage, introducing herself like a queen, like a prophetess to persecute Elijah. A Jewish blood in a woman could not do what Jezebel had done there in Israel. And a Jewish blood in a woman could not do what Jezebel did on this side in Ivory Coast. Look at Jezebel manipulating the lawyers and the priests according to 1 Kings 21.

28 Oh you Jezebel who call yourself a prophetess, you whose strength is in police divisions and the tribunals, you who bear the name of money and who swear on the Bible to say the truth! You whose Holy Spirit and strength are the tribunals. I see your zeal before Baal and before men, but what do you say of all the money that you gave for the persecution and imprisonment of Prophet Elijah?

29 There was not a single person in the room who was not outraged. And a newspaper wrote: "At times, we had the impression that it was God who was being tried in court, as the prosecutor was picking on Prophet Kacou Philippe to whom, he will refuse him to refer constantly to the Bible in his answers."

30 And I had not hired a lawyer because I am a lamb and it is my way of giving them my head for them to cut it more easily. And that’s what was done: ten years of imprisonment required against me.

31 And in the prison, I was not put in the building of the assimilated; where there are important personalities but I was with offenders, thieves and criminals. It is impossible that one day, there may not be another trial in Heaven before God. A trial in a celestial tribunal in which the politics, the relations and the money of Jezebel Monney and the prophets of Baal will not be to corrupt police divisions and tribunals. A trial in which men’s law also will not have its place. A trial in which the defendant on earth will become the judge.

32 And you police divisions and tribunals, just as you are the gods of the earth because you judge presidents and kings, in the same way, we also, the prophets shall be the Gods in Heaven to judge all the creation and you included.

33 The Public Prosecutor, Yéo Abel, asked me, "Is your God a misogynist as He does not admit female pastors? Is the Holy Spirit on men different from the One on women"? I answered, "Mr. Prosecutor, Islam and Catholicism do not have female imams or priests." He said, "Are you therefore the only true Prophet on the earth" I answered, "Yes Mr. Prosecutor, I am". He went on again, "What’s the evidence? Do you have an official document"? I answered, "Mr. Prosecutor, it is in virtue of a divine mandate that I received on April 24, 1993. Who is entitled to issue a so-called official document"?

34 He went on again, "Apart from you, are there some other servants of God"? I answered, "No Mr. Prosecutor. It is what I say that they must preach in their churches". And the tribunal asked me to identify in the crowd my disciples against whom there was an arrest warrant, so that they be arrested immediately. I looked in the crowd, I saw some but I did not denounce anyone. I could not do that.

35 And despite my plea, the prosecutor Yéo Abel said, "Mr. President, he says he is the only true prophet of God on the earth with a divine mandate at a precise date. He even called the wraths of hell upon the tribunal which would dare to enter in a process of judgment against him. In my turn, Mr. President, I want him to face the law, in its utmost rigour; so that, never again would some false prophets — or better, some real cranks — come and harm the reputation of a citizen of this land of Ivory Coast".  And thus it was done. And I was sentenced to the prison.

36 Satan has taken the name of Jesus Christ, and Jezebel and the prophets of Baal are called servants of God, and Cain has taken the name of Abel to condemn me to ten years of imprisonment. And some whisky drinkers, homosexuals and cigarette smokers yelled against me.

37 But for me, if somebody is Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist, he is the one who sent me to prison because the money that was used to corrupt is their tithes and offerings. And whoever fellowships with Jezebel and the prophets of Baal is guilty. And it is before God that each of them will give an account. I believe only in the justice of God. And it is the only thing I am awaiting.

38 The tribunal declared that I am a false prophet. Alright. But does it belong to some homosexuals to say who is a true or a false prophet? Even Israel never recognized a true prophet and is it a country which has rejected God and which calls itself secular which will recognize a true prophet? Alright but until my death, as a false prophet and a real crank for them, my place will be never beside their leaders.

39 And Like Joseph in prison and the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, I was in a cell where there were already two prisoners. A black man, a Catholic who was very mean to me. And the other one, a Muslim Lebanese.

40 In the prison, the director of the prison treated me like a man of God. And a certain lady named Obou who was at the tribunal on June 3 for another trial and who attended my trial felt some compassion for me and on July 23, she came to the prison to give me seven euros.

41 And While I was in prison, seven Brothers and Sisters had been imprisoned for a few days at the police headquarters. And in those days, Apostle Martin has gone in exile to Ghana, a neighbouring country. And the Brethren who were imprisoned at the police headquarters were told not to say that I had been imprisoned there, at the police headquarters.

42 The Brethren said, "We were questioned separately. But we were all subjected to the same questions. And one of the questions was, "How do you explain the fact of affirming that Prophet Kacou Philippe was imprisoned here at the police headquarters while he never got here? That’s defamation! Do you intend to discredit the police headquarters"? And the Brethren say that they were all astonished to hear that. While, they went themselves to visit me when like Jeremiah, I was in the basement of the police headquarters.

43 A police officer had said to them, "There are no more traces of the passage of Prophet Kacou Philippe in the registers of the police headquarters and yet he was here from Wednesday, May 18 to Friday morning May 20, 2016. And all of our bosses saw him. On Friday, May 20, very early in the morning, two armed men came, handcuffed him and left with him in a small car without saying anything. I was so sad at seeing the scene". You see? It is a guard who related that.

44 And when I was at the police headquarters, on the second night at around 3 am, a guard secretly took me out of the basement, and I remained outside with him for several minutes and I went back in.

45 And that is the way of all the prophets. Including my master, the Lord Jesus Christ, there is not a single prophet who was not persecuted or imprisoned. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself was in the same prison with Barabbas.

46 And now you inhabitants of the earth, apart from "defiance of the State authority, incitement to religious hatred and religious radicalism" of which I am accused, for what other charge would the Lord Jesus Christ be crucified if he came back on the earth today? And for what other reason were 68,000,000 Christians indicted and killed in the history of the Church?

47 And the other question is to know whether, in the light of the Bible, it is possible today that a prophet performs his ministry peacefully till the end without being rejected, hated and persecuted? Even outside the Bible, all those who came like Columban, John Wyclif, John Huss, Martin Luther, John Wesley were all imprisoned because of their Message.

48 Thus, I, Prophet Kacou Philippe, all those things that have happened to me, I have written them from my prison cell on this August 16, 2016 so that from generation to generation, it may never be blotted out.

49 And no matter what happens, until my death, I will always say the truth according to what was commanded to me on April 24, 1993 and I will not lie. I am the only one. I am the way to Heaven. I am the only true prophet of God on the earth today and the Muslim, Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist leaders are the incarnation of the devil.

50 At the judgment, each prophet messenger will stand to judge the inhabitants of the earth of his time, I will also stand in the virtue of the vision of April 24, 1993 and I will judge all those who lived on the earth while I, Prophet Kacou Philippe, was on the earth. And this can never fail on the earth and in Heaven for ages and ages. Amen!

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