Kacou 126 : From my prison cell

Extracted from notes that Prophet Kacou Philippe wrote from his prison cell on May 29, 2016

1 This is what I, Prophet Kacou Philippe, had written in my prison cell on May 29, 2016, addressing the judge who was going to judge me.

2 Mister Judge, there was a time when several people of divers countries made some caricatures of me, calling me a sect, a false prophet, a spiritual terrorist and that became general against me but I did not say anything and those who delivered me into your hands today, are amongst them. 

3 Mister Judge, faced with their attacks against my person, I cannot say anything, because even if the minister of Justice is my disciple, I cannot take this matter to court because it is a purely religious matter. When my daughters tell me about how they are mocked by their friends at school, I tell them: “They make caricatures of everyone, even the presidents, the kings, Mahomet and the pope. You, my children, overcome that because, in all your life, it will be thus.”And I think that it was in response to that that my disciples made caricatures of those people.

4 And I said in my heart: Lord Jesus Christ my Saviour, here I am, dying here. When I am no longer on earth, do not let the children of the devil sing my name for a prophet, it is when he is alive that one must believe in him and follow him.

5 And in the suffering I estimated the remaining years I could have to live on earth and I found them too long. You see? Sometimes it always happens that I think “Oh God! How much time do I have to spend again on earth? Because of persecutions from the parents, the village, the Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches? Because of persecutions from the earth, the police, from courts and all that!”

6 O the prophets so suffered on earth! Paul could say “Death is for me a gain”. And I could understand Paul, I could understand Jeremiah, Isaiah and all the prophets. Every day, despite the food and all before me, my soul yearns for something else, another life, which is not that of the earth.

7 And on Friday May 20th, very early, some other police officers came to extract me from there, handcuffed me and sent me to the prosecutor’s head office. When I arrived at the prosecutor’s office, I was told that a prosecutor would hear me to see whether I should be sent to prison or be released. But I was taken straight to prison without any hearing. I was only made to sign a paper which I did not read. And that day, Apostle Martin came and found me in the waiting room, I still had handcuffs on my wrists. Brothers, that was difficult. But a day comes when we will forget all those things, and we shall have an eternal joy and I shall be with you and with the Lord. Amen!

8 And I heard people saying that day, at the request of the evangelical churches, the State must sacrifice me and in return, they will give their support to the State. And this, because of my Message which disturbs them. I who never interfered in politics, I am the one who should be sacrificed for the Muslim government and the churches to reconcile?

9 And I heard that I should be condemned to a heavy sentence and then I should be transferred to a prison very far from Abidjan to be isolated. Alright but can you have someone imprisoned in the name of Jesus Christ and then to which God will you pray? You see?

10 Everything they wrote against me on the internet, they deleted it but it will always be engraved on the wall of God in Heaven till the day of the last judgment.

11 For political reasons, the government applied directly their wish, by persecuting me and by throwing me in prison amongst criminals and some murderers.

12 It is a false trial for if a football player strikes another football player on a football pitch, can that be taken to court? Only another reason can justify such sufferings and this trial against me. But a day is coming when we will be before another judge and the money of Jezebel and of the prophets of Baal will not be able to corrupt anyone.

13 Apart from this, concerning everything I have preached and which is contained in my book, such as the fact that all the religious denominations on earth are of the devil and that a woman cannot preach before men, I will support it till my death.

14 When I saw that I was accused of defiance of the State authority, of incitement to religious hatred and of religious radicalism, I wondered, for what other charge would the Lord Jesus Christ be crucified if he came back on earth today?

15 I asked myself, for what other reason were 68,000,000 Christians indicted and killed in the history of the Church? And I asked myself, will Christians who were put to death for making caricatures of the popes go to hell? Will John Calvin go to hell for the Treatise on Relics? If they go to hell, we shall go to hell. But if they go to Paradise, I and mine shall go to Paradise. And our faith rests upon it.

16 Attacking the devil whatever the manner, it cannot be against the will of God. It can never be against the will of God. Attacking a woman in menses who stands at the pulpit, attacking a woman in menses who stands at the altar; it can never be against the will of God and it can never be it.

17 Everything I preached since July 8, 2002, and which is contained in my book, it is in virtue of the divine mission that I received on April 24, 1993 that I preached it. And till my death, I will never accept that some losers will transform the Bible into a trade item and poor souls into clients. It is my mission and I have never obliged anyone to accept it.

18 A Christian or a Muslim cannot condemn me because I say that I am the only true prophet of God on the earth today because it is the way and the language of all prophets of God.

19 There is not a single prophet who did not say that he was the only prophet of God in his generation. And unlike Mahomet, I did not take a sword to wage a holy war. South Africa never imprisoned Ahmed Deedat who fought against Christians all his life.

20 And for me, all these sufferings since my abduction, my persecution and my detention by the police of the general intelligence services where I remained seated for five days and five nights sitting on a chair, the traumatization by the scientific police division, the nights in the basement of the police headquarters, the cells of the prosecutor’s office and now the biggest prison of Abidjan, it is the history of the prophets repeating itself.

21 I have already forgiven you. In my prison cell, I asked myself a thousand questions. Has God become Satan and now it is Abel in prosecutor’s clothing who persecutes Cain? And is it the disciples of Lord Jesus who deliver the Pharisees and false prophets to courts and to the Roman soldiers contrarily to the recommendations of the Lord Jesus? I did not understand.

22 Everything I suffered, I will take it before Him that sent me on April 24, 1993. But as for me, I will not harm anyone.

23 When I was a little boy, playing in the dust, I said to my parents that, till my death, I would never harm anyone, I would never fight with anyone and I would never take anyone to the police and it is not now that I am a Christian that I will do it. I will never hurt someone! I cannot even do that!

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