Kacou 121 : Who do you say that I am?

(Preached on Sunday morning, March 16, 2014 in Adjamé, Abidjan–Ivory Coast)

1 Well, I have a question here: Prophet, can a Christian drink wine or alcohol? The answer is that I and mine, we do not drink alcohol because we are in the age of Elijah but some people drank and were yet filled with the Holy Spirit like Noah.

2 That is exactly what Ezekiel 1:17 says, "When they went, they went upon their four sides; they turned not when they went." You see? The living creature with the face of a man does not have the same attributes, characteristics, aspects, thoughts, and manifestations as the living creature with the face of a lion. And it is said that when a wheel turned, the four wheels turned at the same time and each of the four living creatures looked straight forward, meaning that each had its own vision, interpretation and understanding of things and yet it is the same God and the same Holy Spirit.

3 Also, there is a pastor who has published a long document against me. And talking about Darby, he said that when I say that Darby is not what the original texts meant but it is what they said, that is a lie. He said that, "No Bible version is reliable since they are translations, because every translation, not being in the source language, inevitably has some irregularities and imperfections. It is a linguistic rule. So Kacou Philippe has lied".

4 What he said is very good and if I had had higher school education, I would know it. But what I said, I believe it because it is a Revelation!  I do not need God to enlighten me on that because I am a Wise Virgin and I believe it because of the Call and Commission of April 24, 1993. And I say that, God being Infallible, it is rather the linguistic rule which is wrong. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

5 And It is said that prophets are Gods and that is what they are. But any form of adoration, invocation and worship belong to Jesus Christ alone to the ages and ages and forever! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Now, who do you say I am? Who do you say prophets are? Prophets are Gods and mediators between God and the living of their time.

6 When God sends a mediator to men, this mediator will always be a living man like you and me. Noah was the mediator between God and men in his time. After all that happened in Exodus 19, the Jews asked in Deuteronomy 5:27 that Moses be the mediator between them and God. You see? Jeremiah was the mediator between God and men in his time. Each prophet messenger was the mediator between God and men in his time. And the Lord Jesus Christ was the mediator between God and men when he was on the earth.

7 1 Timothy 2:5 to 6 says this, "For God is One, and the mediator of God and men one, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, the testimony to be rendered in its own times". You see? This testimony saying that it is Jesus Christ who is the mediator between God and men should be not rendered but in its own time only, meaning at the time when the Lord Jesus Christ was a man on the earth. You see? It is not said, Jesus Christ, the Son of God but Jesus Christ as a man.

8 The mediator between God and men has to be a living man on earth. And in verse 7, Paul says that it is for that testimony that he has been sent on the earth. Paul says in verse 7, testimony to which I, Paul, have been appointed a herald and apostle. I speak the truth, I do not lie. You see?

9 Paul did not say that the Lord Jesus Christ was the mediator between God and men while Paul was on the earth, but that he, Paul, also was on earth to assume that function of mediator. Paul did not say that Jesus of Nazareth would be the mediator between God and men today while I Prophet Kacou Philippe, I am on earth. Paul cannot say it because it is a lie and the Spirit of God does not lie. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

10 Thus, at the time of Paul, either Paul as a man was your mediator, either Satan was your mediator. And today, either the man Kacou Philippe living amongst you is your mediator, either Satan is your mediator. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

11 I love John 17:3. Yet, this is the eternal Life, that they should know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. Amen! You see? The eternal Life consists in two things: First, that they should know You, the only true God and secondly, him that You have sent, the man Jesus Christ. Amen! Not Jesus Christ, the son of God but Jesus Christ as a man.

12 When Noah was preaching, this was the eternal Life, that they should know you, the only true God and him that You had sent: a living man called Noah. When Martin Luther was preaching, this was the eternal Life, that they should know You, the only true God and him that You had sent: a living man called Martin Luther.

13 When William Branham was preaching to the past generation, this was the eternal Life, that the whole earth including Tommy Osborn and Billy Graham and Oral Roberts recognize Jesus Christ, the only true God and him that he had sent: the anointed man William Branham living on earth.

14 And today, this is the eternal Life, that all the inhabitants of the earth should know Jesus Christ as the only true God and him that He found good, in his sovereignty, to send: the anointed man Kacou Philippe. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. That is what I am! And I tell you, Look to Africa! The Spirit of God will say, "Amen!" The spirit of the devil will say, "It is blasphemy!"

15 And today you cannot do the work of God unless you are the echo of the prophet that God has sent in your time. You see? Chris Oyakhilome, David Owuor, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Uebert Angel, T. B. Joshua, David Oyedepo cannot do the Work of God unless they echo Prophet Kacou Philippe!

16 Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Doug Batchelor, Billy Graham, Edir Macedo, Valdemiro Santiago, Silas Malafaia, Paula White, Joyce Meyer, Alberto Mottesi, Claudio Freidzon and Dante Gebel cannot do the Work of God unless they echo Prophet Kacou Philippe!

17 Benny Hinn, Manasseh Jordan, Jesse Jackson, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Joaquim Gonçalves, Donald Parnell, Alejandro Bullón and Guillermo Maldonado cannot do the Work of God unless they echo Prophet Kacou Philippe! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

18 What do men say that I am, I, Prophet Kacou Philippe? And you, who do you say that I am?  I am the prophet sent to the Muslims; they rejected me but I did not take the sword against them. I am the prophet of the Catholics and the pope is my unfaithful servant.

19 I am the prophet sent to the churches and to all the inhabitants of the earth but the inhabitants of the earth do not need a prophet. I am the powerful eagle, the great chief of the creation but only feathers despite all the good flesh of animals, because no animal of the earth raises a good prayer for me. Who I am, I, Prophet Kacou Philippe? Have all the great messengers who have come before me built the pyramid, age after age, for me to come and stand upon it? [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

20 Who is then the one who has received a so great grace? Truly, this one is the celestial door of the pyramid of ages whose base are the waters. But it is humbly by the underground door that mankind will meet me.

21 You, proud Branhamists and you, men of the white race, and you, the great men of the earth, here is the ministry under the tent and you need to stoop down to enter the tent. Be humble, stoop down to enter the tent. Here is the ministry under the tent and you need to stoop down before this African. Stoop down before this little African. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

22 They are all fighting me! But I say, "Amen!", because we are at the time of maturity. And it is to the good and ripe fruit that everyone throws the stone. And as a mediator, Paul said in verse 7: I tell you the truth, I do not lie. Paul says that because those who were listening to him did not understand anything, they would look at one another in astonishment. Paul was preaching to them a Gospel which was different from the one they were used to hearing in their synagogues. 

23 And today, look at these Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals and Branhamists, look at these missions and ministries, it is by the Bible that they all exist, it is the Bible that they call the Word of God. Had it not been the Bible, their churches would not exist. Had it not been the Bible, their schools and institutes of theology would not exist. Had it not been the Bible, their priests and pastors and prophets would not exist.

24 And when Paul told them that the Church has never been founded on the Bible but on the Revelation and that any biblical Christian is a demon, they were all astonished and they looked at one another! And yet, the Bible is a mere document of history. And you are searching It hoping to find Salvation in it but Salvation and the Kingdom of God, it’s the living prophet amongst you. It is a living prophet who is the mediator between God and men and no one can be saved unless by him. You see? They were hearing something new and the Words of Paul sounded bad in their ears. Believing that you can be saved by basing your faith on a prophet who is already dead, or on the Bible or on the Quran, it's Satanism. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. And that is why I said that I am the one who has brought Christianity back on earth. I say it in all humility, without any pretension and it is the truth. Look at the brochures of William Branham on the seven Church ages and see that globe presenting the light of the Word from age to age.

25 Look at how that starts in Ephesus with Paul, with a big white space, then this space decreases over the ages down to Laodicea, in the evening time in which there was only a very small light and it is obvious that this tiny light will completely disappear after the death of William Branham.

26 Thus, on April 24, 1993, the globe of the seven Church ages was entirely black. It was Midnight. There was darkness on the whole face of the earth. And what the churches called "Word of God", was nothing but the gospel according to Billy Paul and Joseph Branham, the gospel according to Billy Graham, Tommy Osborn, Benny Hinn… they are gospels of darkness. It’s these sons of darkness and their gospels that caused all humanity to sleep in Matthew 25.

27 And today, the kingdom of darkness the Lord Jesus was speaking about, they are the Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Christianity is the dwelling place of Satan. And each Christian church is an altar of Satan exactly as in Egypt.

28 And we are fighting darkness and darkness is fighting us. But by the grace of God, as I am speaking to you, none of all our Brothers is in prison for the Word of God. After Congo, last February, our Brothers Edson Kalunga, Jobelson Bandeira and José da Silva of Angola had been sent to prison. And on last March 5, the prosecutor had asked them for a bail of 12,000 dollars to release them. They are accused of several things. They are also accused since October 2013 of having broken the statues of a Catholic church while we cannot do that.

29 And on March 5, Apostle Hugo Zé had asked me for permission so that the brethren of Angola would endorse some debts to pay the bail because it is said that a letter against the Brothers had been sent by the Catholic priests to the general police and another letter to the governor. But I told them not to pay anything but to trust God. And in the night of March 7, I received the information that the person investigating the case of the Brothers had been shot and the new investigator had had them released. 

30 I said, Blessed be forever the Lord Jesus Christ, my Saviour and my God who makes my stay on the earth a success. Once again Babylon, the mother of sin and of the churches of the earth is confused. For, until the appointed time, we have been given to fight her and to defeat her because of the Word of God and because of the blood of the Lamb. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

31 Now listen to the mysteries of God by his prophet! As of this morning, Babylon, the queen of queens, had labour pains and behold, she gave birth to a son who will live in monasteries and whom I named homosexuality. And from there, she returned home but another child was moving in her womb. And in her convent, in the sanctuary of her holiness, in the evening time, she gave birth to a girl whom I named lesbianism.

32 And Babylon will prevail under a new name and her twins will lead the end-time world under new names but a people and its leader shall resist them and defeat them because of the Word of God and because of the blood of the Lamb.  [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

33 At the time of Noah, it was first because of the men of god that God destroyed the earth. Look at the world! There are already laws, tribunals and prisons for murderers and thieves but what is it of priests and pastors and all those prophets, miracle doers? It is because of the Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches that God will destroy the earth. You see? God will destroy the earth because the word of man is called Word of God and seduction is called miracle and governments subsidize that. You see? Governments subsidizing sin, God would be unjust if there were no last judgment and hell after death.

34 Look at the popes of Rome who die in peace and who are buried in peace. Look at Tommy Osborn and Joseph Coleman and the wicked of the earth who died in peace and who were buried in peace. Look at Billy Graham, T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, Doug Batchelor, Benny Hinn and all the magician prophets, reciters of verses, who will die in peace and will be buried in peace.

35 And T.B. Joshua and David Owuor and Manasseh Jordan and all those Asian, European, American and African prophets who will die in peace and who will be buried in peace. Yes, God would be unjust if there were no last Judgment and hell after death. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. I attest that they are really sincere and their miracles in the Name of Jesus Christ are really authentic but they are all servants of the devil.

36 They are the enemies of God and the wicked of the earth that is why they do not understand my language. You see? They were not the Arabs or the Muslims who killed the Lord Jesus Christ in Arabia. They were not the prostitutes who killed the Lord Jesus Christ in Hollywood. But they were the Jewish rabbis who killed the Lord Jesus Christ in Jerusalem.

37 And if the Lord Jesus Christ came again on the earth, they are the church priests, pastors and prophets who will crucify him again. It is them the devil. They reject you when you are living and when you are dead then you become a servant of God. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Martin Luther had been rejected in his time. John Wesley had been rejected in his time. All the messengers had been rejected in their times. And today, my family, my village, my country, everybody rejects me because of the Word of God.

38 The time is coming when all those pastors and prophets will realize that they left the essential, which is the Word of God, aside. They will see that in the beginning, they were not winds of anointing but the Word. They will see that it was by the Word that the prophets of the Bible distinguished themselves. They will see that there is one thing by which they will be able to keep their followers forever and it is the Word and they will try to produce this Word and it will be the final seduction. And you will see Simba chapter 42, Koffi 27: 3… And the power of darkness will dwell again all over the earth and there will not be only one prophet who will not try to forge a Message.

39 And in this disorder, church pastors and apostles and prophets will have Messages in their name, with chapters and verses but they will never reach the perfect thing with the seal of infallibility because the Word of God cannot be imitated like the miracles. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

40 And yet the perfect thing is on the earth, among the sons of the Kingdom. And Malawi has received its visitation in this generation. And from Malawi, the Gospel will reach Mozambique.

41 The Word is making its way while those to whom that has not been given before the foundation of the world are fighting me.

42 Recently, it was a Branhamist pastor. And of all that he said, I kept only one point which could disturb a foolish virgin among us. For, the wise virgins believed in me in the mind of God before the foundation of the world and manifested the perfect faith in the vision of April 24, 1993. They will never be distracted by any light, be it of an angel coming from heaven on clouds.  

43 Talking about Darby, this pastor says that, when I say that Darby is not what the original meant but what the original said, that is a lie. He said, "No Bible version is reliable since they are translations, because every translation, not being in the source language, inevitably has some irregularities and imperfections. So Kacou Philippe has lied".

44 I paused like the Lord Jesus Christ and I said, "It is true, it is a linguistic and human logic that nobody can dispute! Any translation pains to accurately transcribe what the original said in the other language said". But the divine answer which comes to me is very simple and new: If the "Speaking in tongues" and its interpretation, coming from two different languages and two different people, are identical then the Hebrew and Greek originals and the Darby Version say the same thing at Midnight because the same Spirit who wrote the originals in Hebrew and Greek is the same Spirit who translates it into French! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

45 When I said that Darby is not what the original meant but what the original said, I did not have this explanation but according to the call and commission of April 24, 1993, it is infallible. An adversary, it is not while I am alive because He that has sent me is called the Word of God.