1 Well. Do you remember the experience I had and which is reported in Kacou 34. It was found after some research in all the area by experts in hydraulics that it is in that place that a layer of water capable of supplying my village and the surrounding villages, including Sikensi has been found. And that is now done. Exactly, where I found myself twenty meters above the ground, is the great water point built by these experts…
2 Now which name has Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger taken by the time when the public confession re-appears? Pope Benedict XVI, in memory of Saint Benedict, the founder of the Benedictines' order and propagator of the auricular confession. It is him the first of those Benedicts and it was him who buried the public confession. Hell thought that by bringing his spirit back to earth by the time of the midnight Cry he would be able to do something. You see? Hell has been disturbed. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
3 Well, now speaking of Israel, I say that the Palestinian terrorists alleviate God's wrath against Israel which remains the people of God and a source of blessing for the nations of the earth. Not the churches but the nations.
4 Today, Israel has no consideration for her past... not even a small respect for her past and her fathers. A Jew can't teach decency to an Arab, you know that! Since 1948, coming back from their deportation, they returned with the gods, customs and traditions of the nations; exactly like their fathers of former times. And the Palestinian terrorists are instruments in the hands of the Almighty God. This is why these Jews should not expect great glory from Elijah and Moses.
5 And today, God sees Israel like Sodom and Gomorrah and Egypt. And Elijah and Moses are coming like the two angels of Genesis 19 to take Lot, a type of the 144.000 out. Do you remember the interpretation of the two doves in the vision of 1993? That's it! Israel is not worthy but of some preaching of judgment like the midnight Cry. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
6 Have you read Revelation 11? Spiritually Sodom and Egypt, it is today's Jerusalem, Jerusalem that you see! O God, send Elijah and Moses now! In the eyes of God, today's Israel is in the image of Sodom and Gomorrah by the sins of sex, traffic, etc… and in the image of Egypt, that is to say, the capital, the centre of spiritual prostitution as it was the case of Babylon and the Roman empire. As God caused his name to reside there and in memory of all that God had done there and in memory of David, Asa, Josiah and others, He couldn't have stood that the Vatican might be in Jerusalem but spiritually that's what it is! Jerusalem is the landmark of the gods of the earth now.
7 The holy place is no more and will no more be a physical place on the earth but a spiritual one, a Message like the temple of Solomon, Noah's Ark or the granary of Matthew 13:24 to 30. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
8 Well. Let's take our Bibles in Matthew 25:1 now [Ed: Brother Philippe reads Matthew 25:1]: Then shall the Kingdom of the Heavens be made like to ten virgins that having taken their torches, went forth to meet the Bridegroom.
9 Well, the first point I would like to address is prostitution. There are three forms of prostitution. The normal form is when a woman rents a house and easily receives her customers, lovers or boyfriends or if it is a so-and-so who has rented the house for her, and she receives him alone. And sometimes, she has a child from him and presents him as her husband, but she is a first-rank prostitute. It is the same for what you can see in university residences. The greatest centres of prostitution are university residences.
10 Yet, in the first case, everybody knows that she is a prostitute. Her sin of prostitution is like he who lives out of loan with interest. She is an abomination in the eyes of men but she is not in the eyes of God. All the tribe of Judah descends from Tamar, a prostitute of this kind. There is also Rahab and these two prostitutes are great-grandmothers of King David and the Lord Jesus. You see?
11 But the second form of prostitution is an abomination in the eyes of God and it is when a girl, a boy or a woman has sexual relations while staying in the house of his parents or at his guardian's. Even if it is with only one man, she is a prostitute. If your child or someone prostitutes himself while living at your place, you must confess and you could receive a sanction for that. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
12 In Genesis 38, nobody saw Tamar with a man, but when she got pregnant… here's what is written in verse 24: "And it came to pass about three months after, that it was told Judah, saying, Tamar thy daughter-in-law has committed fornication, and behold, she is also with child by fornication. And Judah said, bring her forth, that she may be burned."You see?
13 You say, "Brother Philippe my parents know him…" That's very good! But if you have had sexual relations once, while he has not endowed you, then you are a prostitute and the curse of God is upon you. You say, "Brother Philippe, he's my husband… he's serious or she's serious". That's very good! But if you have had sexual relations once, while he has not endowed you, then you are a prostitute and the curse of God is upon you.
14 You are the cause of all the curses of God upon the earth and you shall give an account of that one day before God. And it is the same for spiritual prostitution while you know the Message. You say, "Brother Philippe, when he laid his hands upon me to pray, I didn't close my eyes!" You are a prostitute! You say, "Brother Philippe, he had surprised me, so under his influence, I couldn't refuse". You are a prostitute! …
15 And you, fiancés, know that it is sin which lies at the root of any engagement that does not end up with marriage. I am talking about long engagements. Some fiancés who remain together beyond 7 pm, do not but prepare the failure of their marriage. And he that after baptism does not do violence to himself in the face of sin and any sex desire does not want to be happy on earth.
16 Yet, we must know that he who wants to succeed in every way must absolutely overcome the trials he will be confronted with. He who does not want any trial will be the slave of his brothers. And nature itself teaches us that.
17 At the creation, some plants approached God and said to Him, "O God! We do not want storms and violent winds and burning sun! …" Then God made them grasses. While others approached and said to God, "As for us, O God! With your help we can face all those trials! Make us the big trees of the earth!" God told them, "So, know that you will have storms in all your life, you will sometimes lose some branches, fruits and leaves but it is through that that your roots will get deeper [into the ground] and that you will be the big trees of the earth". And they answered and said to God, "O God! With your help we can!" And God made them cedars, sycamores and big trees of the earth. It was so and the earth was created. But after the creation, grasses shouted out to God saying, "O God, there is injustice on the earth, the big trees prevent us from receiving winter's soft sun and spring's soft rains; O God, judge them!". You see?
18 You cannot pass from one school form to another without any test. Thus it is of blessing. If you say, "Oh! I do not want any test!", you will grow old in preparatory classes. You see? This is the law of God, even having the Holy Spirit, you will be tempted by sex, lie, corruption and many others as Paul says it in Romans 7, but you must resist!
19 What does 1 Corinthians 10:13 say, "No temptation has taken you but such as is according to man's nature; and God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above what ye are able to bear…" The Bible said in Matthew 4 that Jesus Himself overcame the various temptations then the angels came to minister to Him. Matthew 4:11 says that the devil left Him then, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him.
20 And after having heard this this morning, you will take heed if you are a child of God. And if this prostitution led to a child, I have nothing against this child. He is innocent and he is not supposed to behave like his mother. He can even be a child of God. That's exact! But take heed not to give any gift and congratulate this prostitute so as not to have any portion in the wages of her prostitution. Even the fact of putting her up is a contribution from you to her prostitution but I do not mean that you have to drive them out. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
21 Well! Now I would like to specify that the interpretations which are given to "fornication" and "licentiousness" are false. These two words do not relate necessarily to sexual sins. First, licentiousness is everything that is far from modesty and decency, whether in words or clothing or sexual acts. Whereas fornication, according to the Larousse dictionary, is the fact of being infatuated with covetousness, luxury and immorality which can include corruption, prostitution, quarrels, and similar things. The dictionary calls it: sin of lust. Let's see what the Larousse dictionary says again on licentious. Licentious means lacking decency in act and word. For example, the Bible does not name the front part of a man or woman, as well as certain things for decency reasons but the words exist in Hebrew: I mention you the examples of Deuteronomy 25:11 and Genesis 31:35.
22 Thus, by definition, any sexual act out of wedlock is prostitution; adultery is the prostitution of a married person. For example, in Matthew 19:9, it is written: "But I say unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, not for fornication, and shall marry another, commits adultery; …", and there are some pastors who think that the Lord means adultery, doesn't the word "adultery" exist in the Old Testament? You see? It's a false interpretation. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
23 And before God, a child born out of wedlock, that is to say, the dowry is a bastard child. Even if his father recognized him before he was born. It's a fruit of prostitution. His father did not pay the dowry of his mother. But the dispensation of the grace gives him the right to Salvation, which was not the case in the Old Testament. You see? "A bastard shall not come into the congregation of Jehovah; even his tenth generation shall not come into the congregation of Jehovah." Deuteronomy 23:2.
24 But the dispensation of grace gives him this right directly because the most abominable prostitution today is spiritual prostitution. Before God, a man who is unfaithful to his wife and goes into the house of a prostitute is a thousand times holier than a man who enters into a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical or Branhamist church. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
25 Henceforth, it is by prostituting oneself with the gods of Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches including missions and ministries that the way to Heaven will be shut to you. Remember Exodus 23:24: "thou shalt not bow down to their gods …" You shall not go up to their high places… because it is the highest form of prostitution.
26 Judges 2:17 says: "… for they went a whoring after other gods, and bowed themselves to them". The first two forms of prostitution are in connection with the body while this one is in connection with your spirit. And so, you have taken an eternal sin because the body will perish but the spirit is eternal. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
27 However, Brethren, I also let you know that masturbation is both spiritual and physical. You see? Masturbation is the defilement of the body from one part of this body touching the most intimate part which is the Word. And that’s why I tell you that Ewald Frank was the Branhamists' masturbating arm. You see? …
28 If a Brother talks about politics, watches football or those comic scenes or impure movies on television... If a Brother sleeping with his wife, does some mouth-to-mouth, putting his tongue in his wife's mouth and eating some spit, puts the breasts of his wife in his mouth, it's an abomination! He is a pagan. If a Brother goes to wash with his wife in the shower, he is an effeminate man. Such people have nothing to do with the divine service. Their life will cancel the sanctification of the ones and the others. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
29 And when you take a girl that a man brought into the world and dishonour her without endowing her, that is to say, you sleep with her without endowing her, whether she wanted it or not, you are a thief and the Bible says that thieves will not go to Heaven. If a wandering chicken has a guardian, it is not a girl who will not have any. And I cannot understand how such men repented and they are pastors in the evangelical churches.
30 It is in the house of your husband that you must lose your virginity, otherwise you are a curse for your parents and for the whole earth. And a man has no right to sleep with a woman that he has not endowed. Such a man is a curse for himself, for his house and for the whole earth. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
31 The most honourable thing that God gave to a woman is her virginity. That is more precious than all the diplomas that school can give her. And it is an honour for a man to say that I have married a virgin woman whom no man knew. And similarly, it is an honour for a woman to say that apart from my husband I will not know any man on earth. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
32 In the Old Testament, if you dishonour a woman, you are obliged to take her as your wife. And when there was a marriage, the signs of virginity were given to the elders in testimony. And the day of the marriage, the bride can put on a white garment only if she is virgin. The white is the symbol of purity and virginity. And the bridegroom would raise the veil out of his future wife's face, which means that he will be the first man to discover this woman.
33 Thus in Israel, an already dishonoured woman cannot dress in white on the day of her marriage. And she cannot put a veil on when she has already known another man in her life. Yet everywhere today, we can see an already defiled woman in a white dress, it's shameful for us who know what the white dress means. And when a woman does that, that's a deceit before God. A prostitute in a white dress and even with a veil, it is the image of a Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist church. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. It is unfair!
34 And they are such women who knew many things, insolent and emancipated women, in homes, who want to preach. Instead of trying to educate their children so that these ones may be what they themselves failed to be, they want to preach. You see?
35 Well. When a woman is dishonoured in the house of her parents, that is to say, that she lost her virginity being in the house of her parents or a guardian, she has defiled the earth and the house of her parents or guardian forever. Also, the man or boy who did that is a curse.
36 Instead of being a blessing, they have been a curse for the earth and for themselves and God has put a sign on them so that they might not live through the happiness that they would have known on the earth and for them to be condemned at the judgment day. And no matter the beauty of a woman who did it, the place that had been destined for her before the foundation of the world will be another's. And she will serve instead of being served. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
37 And prostitution is at the root of all those abominations, if not, God did not create man to suffer or remain alone while he wishes to get married. Up to twenty-four years old, a woman is supposed to get married if not she is still virgin. And if it is not due to consecration to God, she is supposed to get married and it is a blessing. If this is not the case, she is not a blessing and should have no right to speak in the women's assembly except if she is a virgin or a widow.
38 A woman is called to get married. A woman is not called to make her father's house her home. A woman shall not marry her father. You see, that's what the Spirit says and I am only pronouncing it. You, my Sisters, take that for the better. Do you want me to continue? … [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
39 Very well. The blessing of a woman is first her home and her independence is not to go and rent a house or have financial and material means but it is home. And I pray that the Almighty God who has sent this Message grants you his grace if you receive this for the better. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
40 As for the age of marriage, if a Brother wants to give his daughter in marriage even at 14 years old, that would be a very good thing because she has to get married being virgin for the honour of her mother and her husband. And marriage being a granted will of God, you can come to the Message with a woman who is older than you and keep her as your wife, but after believing, you can no longer marry a Sister who is older than you.
41 Now, let me say this for the couples: each animal species has only one manner of going together and it is the same for man. But the manners differ. Here, one gives its back but there, they face each other, and it is only this way. There is no second or third time. There is no excess, but only once if both of them have once reached it. It is not every day but two or three times within the week.
42 If it is not to approach your spouse, you must not caress or practice sexual fondles on your spouse. The sexual fondle is to put your hand on the genitals of a woman. And if she is sleeping, this is more serious, and you will receive a demon and will act that way in your sleep if you are on the bed with someone who is not your spouse. And I tell you not to watch the genitals of your spouse with pleasure. This is why you say, "Oh! Brother Philippe when I close my eyes to pray; I see in spirit some images that disturb me ".
43 Concerning condoms, pills and family planning, I am against those things. I believe that you already know it. In the same way, a believer who goes with his own wife on Saturday night knowing that Sunday is the day of the worship, it's a sin…
44 You say, "Oh, Brother Philippe!!!" Yes, Brethren, do not say, "Oh, this Word is hard who can hear it"? But say rather, "O God, help us!" [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"] Moses had said that, sleeping with your neighbour’s wife was adultery but the Lord Jesus Christ said: Whoever looks upon her and lust after her in his heart has already committed adultery with her.
45 Today, you hear these things that I tell you and you find them hard but the hour comes not now but the hour comes when you will be told that: sleeping with your own wife already pregnant is a sin! [… ]. You say, "Oh Brother Philippe, Paul said this…" Yes, Paul said this but now I say that onto you… You see? Moses said this but now I say that onto you… [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
46 Yet, Brothers and Sisters, if you have had only one sexual relation, will you become a virgin again? No, even in ten years, that will not happen. And if King Ahasuerus wanted to take a census of the virgins as in the days of Esther, you would not only be counted, but it would be a great humiliation for you and for your future husband. You see? And spirit wives or spirit husbands do not exist. Even at 20 of age, a pure virgin can never have sexual relations in a dream. Whether you are married or not, if you have sexual relations in a dream, know that you are possessed by a demon of sex. It is a sex sin that you committed and God has put a sign on you, a demon as it was on Cain. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
47 Now, if everything on this earth was to be lived again for you, will you live this same life again? will you sell your virginity for nothing? And I tell you this morning that, God made it possible spiritually for the Church through his Word according to Matthew 25:6. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
48 Yet, the Lord Jesus Christ wants a spiritual virgin. He had rejuvenated Sarah and had even given her a child but to us, he has made us virgins for the rapture. And now what will you do? You, Church of the Apostles made a virgin now, what will you do? The sons of the devil who have prostitution in their body will say, "I have heard that there is a vigil of prayer over there, there is a prophet who will come… O! I remember that when I was in the evangelical churches, I used to listen to the cassettes of praise songs of this man but now, nothing … I am cut off from everything. I am even cut off from Christian films… what's this Message”?
49 Let's read Numbers 11:4 to 6: "And the mixed multitude that was among them lusted; and the children of Israel also wept again and said, Who will give us flesh to eat? We remember the fish that we ate in Egypt for nothing; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlic; and now our soul is dried up: there is nothing at all but the manna before our eyes." And a little farther, they called the manna a miserable food. You see? A food which descended from Heaven, they called that miserable.
50 They want theology instead of the prophetic revelation! And in the second vision of 1993, you saw this manna coming down from Heaven upon the Clouds of Heaven, the angels' food carried by angels to humans. But they preferred the cucumbers, melons, and leeks of Ewald Frank. They wanted the praise of the Moabites, those young Moabite girls who had beautiful voices. Israel coveted that.
51 And in Numbers 14:4, they said, "And they said one to the other: Let us establish a head and turn over to Egypt ". They said: let us set pastors over us and let us found Branhamist and evangelical churches. See how we are cut off from everything! We should only take what he says. And yet there are some people to whom God also speaks, who have great gifts, we are bored whereas in Egypt… whereas in the evangelical churches, we had Christian movies, religious cassettes, outings for relaxation, theatres, some brethren who would come to strengthen us and in these evangelical churches I used to pray a lot…
52 And in verse 10, the Bible says that they talked about stoning Moses. It is true that they wanted Canaan. They came out of Egypt to go to Canaan but they did not want it in that way. They wanted Canaan like a Christmas present but, behold a severe wilderness here, fiery snakes there, the same manna here, the same Moses there, … They were tired and they said: the land is flowing with milk and honey but… you see?
53 The midnight Cry is true but we remember conventions, outings for relaxation to the beach with our evangelical church, we remember the circular letters of Ewald Frank which did not cost us anything. The football matches, fetes, games of invisibility… We all remember that. The Message is very hard... We are not free here. I am going to step back…We want to go back to Egypt. And the Bible says that they wept. They wanted to trade Salvation for cucumbers and leeks. They do not want the manna, they want leeks. If Moses had not given great signs before Pharaoh, they would not get out of Egypt.
54 Brethren, how can one trade the promised land for cucumbers? You see? Brethren, they are useless things! And it's a type of the brochures, treaties and cassettes of those churches. And they have eaten so much of it that their body calls for it. You see? You have eaten and coveted it so much that your body calls for it. But I tell you that it was for those cucumbers, melons and leeks that we had exchanged our first virginity.
55 Brothers and Sisters, what you will lose by being cut off from everything? Do not seek new things, the Bible says that Esther took only what the chamberlain Hegai gave her because the chamberlain knows the will and the taste of the King. Do not give yourselves any assistance!
56 Do not seek good things with those Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist leaders. These are nothing but lipstick and nail polishes. Do not do it because if you lose this virginity again, this Message can no longer return it to you. Never prostitute yourselves! However small this Message may be, it's what has suited God to give you. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
57 All had started with the lust after past things! You see: "We remember the fish that we ate in Egypt for nothing; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, …". And with that, they all died in the desert. That’s why we prefer the manna with God rather than cucumbers with pharaohs of churches. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
58 To close, I would like to say this in virtue of the grace that I have been granted to bring this Message, I tell you that the day when you go and attend a service in one of those churches, know that you will have lost your spiritual virginity. It is like a man who crosses the doorway of a prostitute.
59 The day when you listen to that evangelical praise song with pleasure, know that you will have lost your spiritual virginity. The Bible says that all those churches are harlots and you must not have any portion with harlots. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
60 You say: O Brother Philippe, when I am alone, I grow bored! Then you must know that the desert means also loneliness and isolation. Prefer the desert with a living prophet messenger rather than the valley of the Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches. For a child of God, the valley without a prophet is harder than the desert with a prophet. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. And you know that, like the physical virginity, the spiritual virginity will not be restituted any more if you lose it again. Even if you must spend one year being on some journey, stay at home! The sin is when you go to one of these churches.
61 If this Word has really touched us, let's get up and commit ourselves to defend this spiritual virginity which this Message has restituted to us. Let’s stand up and pray together.